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Kitchen Interior

Learning Lab

Handouts (1).png
Handouts (2).png
Race day nutrition plan (2).png


Recipe cards (4).png
Recipe cards (11).png
Recipe cards (8).png
Recipe cards (3).png
Oaty Energyyyy Bars.png
Chewy CHOC bARS.png
Recipe ebook (10).png
Bike Brownie.png

Build Your Race Nutrition Plan

Race day nutrition plan.png

Fuelling OWS

Ways for staying cool in hot conditions
  • Have a cold icy drink 15 mins before you start your swim (such as a slushie, snow cone, sports drink slurry)

  • Hydrate regularly the day before and morning of

  • Have cold or icy drinks during your swim if available (practice this in training to get the temperature right for you!) 

  • Increase your fluid in feeds compared to cooler conditions (an extra 50-100ml depending on your sweat losses and feeding schedule)

Ways for staying warm in cold conditions
  • Have a warm drink 15 mins before you start your swim (such as warm Powerade, cordial or tea and sugar)

  • Have warm feeds - make them luke warm with about 1/4 hot, 3/4 room temperature (again, practice this in training to find what's best for you)

  • Depending on temperature of water and outside, you may benefit from more regular feeds or high carbohydrate feeds (to keep you warm!) ...or keep extra gels in your togs

  • Get cold exposure regularly in the lead up to your event - cold swims, ice baths, cold plunges

Stuartholme ADP

Allied Health Resources

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